Ecological Movement GREEN PLANET




Kryukovskaya birds need to feed diverse, seed, millet, wheat, buckwheat, corn and produce very small. If there is Syrovatka of the milk, fresh, or you can periodically give to drink, it's very helpful to them. Necessary to give the grass, dandelion, knotweed, lettuce, spinach, cabbage and carrots finely cut. In winter you can boil the nettles, berries, red ash. The broth did not make a strong, prtsezhivat and once a week to give to drink. Be sure to give gravel rakushnyak, slaked lime, and - table salt with clay.

Loft in a spacious room with no drafts and dampness.
Be sure to carry pigeons prafilaktiku against zabolivany. Often at this time progresciruet disease - "salmonella." From her more efektiven drug "Baytril", 2 liters of boiled water dissolve 1 ml. 10% solution of the drug. In this water can add 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar and half a spoon of powdered ascorbic acid.

Glucose promotes rapid restoration costs energiticheskoe body, anti-toxic agent. Ascorbic acid increases the body's defenses, enhances the process of digestion. All this and give peremishat drink 5 times a day, next day the solution is not suitable.

For the prevention of diseases of pigeons I propaivayu its tincture of propolis. This strengthens the health of birds. I cook it like this: 50g. Propolis ground in a porcelain mortar, falling asleep in a glass jar, pour 0.5 liters. alcohol, or "good" vodka and tightly closed. Insist at room temperature for two or three days, occasionally shaking. It turns turbid infusion.

In a few days a precipitate: grayish-white flakes of wax from the top is brown liquid that is poured into a clean bottle, squeeze and filter the residue. Next to 5 gallons of water pour a tablespoon of brandy propolisnoy, stirred solution fed to the pigeons and 10 days - pour into water bowl. Then make a break for a week. Bird-watching - if prettier, I repeat drink. Very useful alcohol tinctures of garlic and onions.

Constantly spending pigeon prevention.
For every pair I have on two removable nests. After each litter, clearing them from ekstrimentov, process of soldering process lampoy.Slozhnee walls and ceiling of dovecotes. Twice a year, spring and autumn, removing the pigeons in the aviary, obmetayu them, dip a broom into a solution of bleach, then belyu. Then the land, ventilated. In the summer of wet cleaning is very helpful.
... And then I look at my beloved and young at heart!
IF hygiene, the blue will NOT hurt and will please you and your friends!


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